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Steel Casters by Total Height

In this section you find steel casters and metal casters listed by their overall height.  That is from the bottom of the wheel to the top of the rig.  For example, a 5 inch O.D. wheel on a swival rig has a overall hight is 6-1/2 inchs from top to bottom.  If you have questions or dont see what your looking for give us a call or email.

If you don't find what you're looking for at the Steel Caster Store, we have a large selection of other types of casters & caster wheels. Please visit our primary webpage www.mappcaster.com, or call to get advice for the best type of caster for your need.

1.800.345.0425 (Mon-Fri 7:00am to 4:30pm CST)        sales@steelcasterstore.com

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