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Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kits & Wheels

In the section you will find sliding barn door hardware kits, hangers, and wheels for a great looking DIY sliding barn . Pick from complete hardware sets, hangers with hardware (save on shipping and buy the track locally), hangers only, or get just the wheels. There are several stlyes of kit and wheels to choose from!

Hardware comes as raw steel, ready to be painted, or leave as is for a rustic look. *All lengths of track 7 ft and up will come in two pieces with a splice kit included. We do this because shipping gets very costly otherwise. If you would like a single piece track we recommend buying the 3/16" thick x 1.5" wide flat bar track at your local steel supplier or hardware store. 

General rule when hanging barn doors is your track needs to double the length of your door. For other questions, give us a call or email.

          1.800.345.0425 (Mon-Fri 7:00am to 4:30pm CST)          sales@steelcasterstore.com

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